Monday, November 8, 2010

Death Valley

More car... More car riding then wanted today..! But I guess that's what happens when you have a weirdo car (ours now baptized; Jason P. Fuck Focus), a funky GPS (also baptized; Tjöta) and a bad map, which is missing roads. Yep it was just our day! Luckily we never got lost, I mean we stayed in Death Valley (which really earned the name btw) all day. It was that simple. We had one way in and another out.
And if you ever go there people, fill up with gas and buy water and snacks before entering, (thank the Lord we listened to you bella!) and then if you feel that, "hmmm, maybe we should hit the road and get out of this place with no food and a gas price on freaking $4,50" (!!!), well then just drive through the park 5 hours and find our new Buddy, Park ranger Bob. Bob was nice. Bob let us travel Death Valley for free all day. We like Bob. We like free. It wasn't worth more then free. Bob also told us a secret. A new faster way to get to VEGAS! So we definitely like Bob. But of course we didn't drive to Vegas yet, that's for later. My Mom cried for a store and some shopping, so tonight we stayed at a hotel with Casino and then taaaadaaaa; we hit up Walmart! Haha! Well... when in the dessert, you take what you find. Which wasn't a whole lot! It was the poorest Super Walmart I've ever seen..

So, now when I've been hard on the car, the GPS and the map (Who all earned it) I can continue and tell you all how extremely amazing Death Valley also were!

it was EXTREMELY AMAZING! The mountains and the hills, they just keep getting bigger, wider and more stunning for every drive we make. It was sweeet! To drive up and down the mountains and get the view from the far top to the low bottom of the entire valley was pretty cool. Even though you sat in the car almost the entire day, you didn't get sick of it, it was just to beautiful to get sick of.

My camera is way to bad for these kinds of landscapes. It just sucks to even put pics on the blog, they are to far off. Someone who would have done this landscape more justice is Corey. There was so many picture opportunities I know he would have loved, and he would have done a great job too! Especially driving out of the valley during sunset, and then later when the stars peaked out together with the moon. Oh it was so beautiful! i'm weak for the night sky, I can just sit there and slowly daze of in my own little world, watching it for hours. Space is fascinating. But back to Earth! The mountains were black, the sky was in different shades of blue and green - yes, I remember your classes Corey, and it would have been perfect for <drums> Time laps! If I only would have had a better camera! Next time, next time.

Location update
Pahrump, Nevada

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