Friday, October 29, 2010

Chicago & Indiana

To go to Indiana is like coming home. It doesn't really become an adventure, it's just nice and comfortable. 

I flew in to Chicago, Illinois where I got picked up by Nate, Britt and David. It was already 7.30 so While driving in Chicago I got to see the city all lit up. We decided to go out barhopping and clubbing - so much fun!
We drove back to Indiana in the morning, and guess who now can say she's driven in Chicago? ;) 

There is not to much to say about my Indiana trip.. It was filled with welcome-parties, bar hopping, Halloween parties, birthday parties, birthday dinners, good bye parties, brunches, brunches and brunches. I had a really good time catching up with old and new friends. I will miss this place a lot. 

I LOVE Jedi, this puppy is so super cosy!

I made Mario some Swedish pasta a lá Mother Nature

So that we could rule on beer pong! ;)

During one of our movie nights together with Brandi and Jayson,
things got out of hand with Chocolate jellO

Three generations at one of the birthday dinners

Playing cards while writing in my memory book and planning for Chicago

Nate, me and Fish
I will miss you guys.. A whole lot more then I say I will :p
Before leaving I got a chance to meet Nana and Papa again too. This whole week have been kind of strange - there's been no Rodriguez-es in Warsaw! Crazy! And to now enter Nana's and Papa's with no kids? Strange.. But it was nice to see them again before I left. 

The day of my departure from Warsaw was pretty cool. The winds were crazy, as we had Tornado watch all day with no power. It felt like the wind was going through the house, that's how strong and loud it was. I was so looking forward to see a tornado, if so only a itty bitty tiny one, but no.. No tornadoes this time. 

We spent the following night at a hotel in Chicago and it was nice to get to go around the city in actual day light. Now, we didn't have the best of luck with the sight seeing, but it was still a great trip!

Finally out of the car!

Late dinner at David's and Alex's new appartment

So if you are in Chicago, you have to go to Rain forest Café! It is an AMAZING restaurant! The food was delicious! They have a few domestic and international restaurants and if you are close by any of them - go go GO! It's kind of a jungle hard rock café thing, the whole place is filled with jungle decorations, music, aquariums etc.

Just love this cab ;)

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