After a tiny breakfast (a Kellogg's snack bar) I decide to do some laundry before check out. When we finally are done Matt comes along, newly awake from some random bench around the hostel. He is a bit dizzy from last night, and guess what? He decides to do laundry! Gaaah! That kid know's how to push it! I hiked off in the, determined to get to our camp site. You all know my hawaiian luck by now; I took of in the wrong freaking direction. After walking down the road, realizing I was at the complete wrong road, a car turns around and pull over. It's Russel! He gave me a ride back to the camp spot, gave me snacks, candy and Arizona ice. I arrived in good time before Corey and Matt, who had to walk all the way - without snacks. Sorry, I just felt a little bit of victory at the moment.
We hide our stuff in the jungle, and make sure that can see it from the trail. Matt takes of with Russel to check out another camp site while Corey and I decide to just chill and relax. We meet some locals, who I immediately make friends with and we hang out around them for a while. It gave Corey a good kick and so I think he enjoyed his first day on the Big Island.
When we got back we had our first back slam when it came to food; the Hawaiian squirrel-rat had stolen our food! They ate straight through two loafs of bread! :( And to cheer us up some more, Corey saw one of them eating in front of us, like joining in for lunch kinda thing. Then all sudden he Corey took off, yeah, to what? Exactly what was the plan? To get it back? :s I laughed so bad! Anyways, it was funny, but sucked at the same time. After all the mongoose's (as their real name is) had stolen our breakfast (lunch/dinner/and night snack) just like that!
When we got back we had our first back slam when it came to food; the Hawaiian squirrel-rat had stolen our food! They ate straight through two loafs of bread! :( And to cheer us up some more, Corey saw one of them eating in front of us, like joining in for lunch kinda thing. Then all sudden he Corey took off, yeah, to what? Exactly what was the plan? To get it back? :s I laughed so bad! Anyways, it was funny, but sucked at the same time. After all the mongoose's (as their real name is) had stolen our breakfast (lunch/dinner/and night snack) just like that!
Later that evening, Corey and I meet up with John and his room mate Matt. The two of them just flew in from Oahu and they picked us up for a night out. The car rental place were out of the car they'd booked, so they got upgraded to a mustang convertible - brand new of course! The guys were way more impressed than me, but it did feel nice to ride around in a nice car instead of standing on the side of the road hitching..!
We went back fair enough early since our friends were supposed to pick us up the following morning at 6 am (to Corey's delight) for the grand round tour of the island. Matt decided to stay at the hostel, so again, I had my luxurious junior tent all to myself!
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