"When I woke up all alone on 'the wrong coast' of America.
I would never had guessed, that my last day would be so magic!
That I would play in the water, see a sunset by the ocean
and make fun friends, while dancing barefoot on the beach and on the streets of
Santa Monica!"
I was waving good bye to my Mom in the cruel AM... ughh... poor her who had such an early flight!After waking up a second time and eating some 'knäckebröd' with 'makrill', I decided to change my plans from a lazy girl day to a new adventure. I will have plenty of stay-home-days soon enough! Where to go and how to get there was the big questions of the day. It ended up being Santa Monica by bus :) I was so excited! I thought I would have nothing at all to do when my Mom was gone.. turns out I was wrong, now I only wish she could have joined me on this last American adventure. It was my last day in America - for this time. Crazy!
The bus ride to Santa Monica was nothing special, I had company from an old man who used to live in the UK. He was very helpful, almost too helpful! I thought he never would let me go! I needed to be so careful, and remember this and that, and did I bring a jacket? Cause the wind would be really chilly once the sun set..! Oh, old helpful people :)
First stop was the beach. It was gorgeous. The sun was shining and the ocean felt so... Big! I ran down to the beach and jumped out of my heels once I reached the sand line, who would not walk barefoot on the beach?! It was so quiet and peaceful, some guys were playing football, and some couples were having pick nick. So romantic.
I took pictures and danced along on the beach in the waves. The water was surprisingly nice.
After watching some more football I stumbled right in to a guy in a visitor cubicle, perfect! I was told to hit up some cool places and he gave me a map where he marked everything down. Pheeew...! To many places haha but it was very nice of him.
I followed his first advice and went to Shangri-La, were I was recommended to eat dinner at the roof top during sunset. I thought it seemed like a nice last dinner on my big long adventure in America. I got a lobster soup with mushrooms and a nice drink. Yummie! It was perfect - even the price ;) While enjoying the sunset I talked to Bella. I said it sucks to watch a sunset alone, and she informed me that what does suck, is to have a sunset at 4 pm (She lives in Rochester, NY).. I guess that would suck too..
The place was very nice, but.. pretty boring for a lonely cat like me, so I said ciao and went out to see what the streets had to offer this beautiful evening. I walked around, just people watching, thinking that maybe I should hit up a bar or two and see if I could meet some cool people? Then the best happened; I reached 5th street with all its street musicians! Oh I love LOVE street musicians and performers! It's the best! I kept walking through and just enjoyed, really enjoyed all the music and the people. After some walking and talking I reached a guy who was playing a really nice song on his guitar and I stopped to listen a little extra. It had been a few hours since I had my soup, and how much does soup fill you up anyways..? Then wow, what do I see? What is that in the alley? Oh baby, it's a sushi bar! I hurried to grab a box of sushi, so happy, and then I sat down on the street to just listen. Song after song, this kid was really good. He played both his own songs and covers.
I made really good friends with Cowboy and Will the musician and we hung out the rest of the night till early morning. Will later, even helped me to put music to one of the songs I've written! I got to record it and it was just such a cool feeling to hear my own written song, with music! Woaaaa!
It was a great first day in Santa Monica and a great last day in America.